My Father's Amazing Story
Milan Vukovic, President
The Taheebo Tea Club
Without my father, John Vukovic, there would be no Taheebo Tea Club:
My father was diagnosed with colon cancer November, 1998 at the age of 66. He was taken to the Houston Medical Center in Texas where surgery was performed. The surgeon however could only remove half of the cancerous mass since the cancer had already spread through the colon wall to the pancreas.
The doctor who performed the surgery decided not to remove my dad's entire colon, since his life expectancy was only a matter of months. Aggressive chemo and radiation therapies would commence as soon as his surgical wound had healed. My father was released from the hospital, told to come back in two weeks, and I was instructed to put my father's affairs in order. His normal weight is 180 pounds and he was down to under 130 pounds - so I started planning his funeral.
I called family and friends and told them how grave the situation was, and since my dad's life expectancy was so short, that if they wanted to see him, they might want to do so now. One of the families who came to say their good-byes brought pau d'arco taheebo tea with them. They left, we brewed the tea and it tasted great. My father figured if he had to drink something anyway, he might as well drink the tea.
Two weeks passed and my father went back to the hospital but his surgical wound had not yet healed so they could not start chemo or radiation treatments. He was told to come back in a week. This went on for two months - wound hasn't healed, come back in a week. Meanwhile my father kept drinking the tea.
Finally after two months the wound healed. At that point a CT scan was performed to identify where the cancer was prior to starting treatment. But, they couldn't see any cancer on the CT scan. They told my father that something must be wrong with their CT scan machine since the surgeon's report said he left half the cancerous mass that was on the pancreas in my father.
Since my father had already drank the contrast dye, they sent him to the hospital next door which also had a CT scan machine, so he wouldn't have to come back the following week after their machine was fixed. The hospital next door took another scan and again no cancer. A colonoscopy and other tests were performed, but they also showed my father to be cancer free.
That was over 20 years ago. Since pau d'arco taheebo tea may have helped him, my father continues to drink taheebo tea daily and he's still cancer free. He is now 86 years old, and not only is he healthy, he takes care of my garden and even mows my lawn! If he didn't enjoy doing it, and it wasn't good for him, I'd be embarrassed.
In my family, everyone from my 20 year old son, to both my parents, my mom is also now 86, drinks the tea. Since for me this is a labor of love, and all my family drinks it, the purity is important - that's why my friends and I started the Taheebo Tea Club. If you'd like to speak with me, please call the office at (818) 610-8088, or my cell phone at (818) 885-6842, or email me at [email protected]. The web site is www.taheeboteaclub.com.
May your family and friends receive the blessings that my family, and so many others, have received from the tea.
Milan Vukovic
Founding Member
Taheebo Tea Club
Taheebo Tea Club
22545 Hatteras St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Telephone: (818) 610-8088
The Taheebo Tea Club is a registered manufacturer with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has issued a Certificate of Free Sale, and a Certificate of Export, for the Taheebo Tea Club's pure pau d'arco taheebo tea. The FDA has not evaluated the efficacy of the Taheebo Tea Club's pure pau d'arco tea to treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or problem. Any questions regarding your health should be addressed to your own physician or healthcare provider.

Brewing and Preparation
Bring a pot of tap water to a full boil. Then, immediately add 10 heaping tablespoons of tea mix per 20 cups of water. Boil for 5 minutes and then reduce heat and simmer for an additional 15 minutes. Use stainless steel, porcelain, or glass pot. Do not use aluminum or plastic.
For regular health maintenance consume 2 or more cups daily.
For individuals with specific ailments drink eight or more cups daily.
The tea is not recommended for pregnant women, breast-feeding women, or children under the age of three.
Taheebo Tea in not a drug and is not being sold as a drug. Neither the manufacturer or KCAA News/Talk Radio or Broadcast Management Services, Inc. (the licensee of KCAA Radio) makes any representations or claims regarding the effectiveness of this product. Any anecdotal evidence regarding the health benefits of this product should be viewed as non scientific and unproven. Always seek the advice of a qualified medical professional for your health care needs.
Taheebo tea is made from the inner bark of a tree with the scientific name of "Tabebuia avellanedae." It is indigenous to parts of Brazil, Paraguay, and northern Argentina. It is a hard, durable, and attractive wood that is extremely resistant to insect and fungal attack. These unique immunal characteristics have made it an attractive herbal plant for centuries.
The Taheebo Tea Club
Join Host Milan Vukovic on KCAA Radio
Mon-Fri 10 to 11 a.m.
Mon-Tues 3 p.m. Wed-Thur-Fri 1 p.m.
Saturday 10 and 2 p.m.
1050 AM & 106.5 FM
Call To Order
(818) 610-8088