Kimberly Meredith is a Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, Psychic Surgeon, Hands-on Healer, and Spiritual Teacher. Blessed with a unique array of extraordinary healing and psychic abilities,
Kimberly is quickly gaining recognition as one of the world’s most gifted Medical Mediumship
Healers and foremost Spiritual Speakers. Kimberly channels messages from God, Mother Mary, ascended Masters, Angels, and advanced civilizations.
Kimberly is often compared to Edgar Cayce, the Father of Holistic Medicine, a Medical Intuitive, and the most documented psychic of the 20th Century.
A highly-regarded and sought-after Trance Channeler, Kimberly is a frequent guest on
numerous nationally-syndicated radio shows and podcasts, where she demonstrates her
Medical Mediumship scans and healings for people around the world. Through her teachings
and blinking eyes, Kimberly helps people awaken to their Higher Consciousness and activate
their DNA. Hundreds of people have been healed simply by listening to the sound of her voice
on radio and YouTube.
Kimberly is an open vessel, directed to heal through her hands and scan through her hands.
Kimberly Meredith is the founder of The Healing Trilogy, a non-denominational healing center
that welcomes and accepts people of all races, religions and spiritual beliefs. We believe that
God is Love. The mission of The Healing Trilogy continues to progressively move forward. We
are proud to have had great success with many miraculous healings and documented scientific
research studies.
Sign up for updates on live events, individual bookings, animal healings, and Skype sessions on Kimberly’s website,
Kimberly is grateful to join the KCAA radio family with her debut of the Medical Intuitive Miracle
Show, where, for the first time in history, healing miracles are brought to a worldwide audience.
Healings with Kimberly’s scalar energy will be experienced through the Divine.
During the show, Kimberly remains in Trance Channel, remotely viewing callers’ medical
conditions, providing them with complete, in-depth medical information. She takes caller
questions and provide answers through her blinking eyes and unique mediumship. Kimberly’s
Guides answer YES/NO questions. When calling, please formulate your questions for
Kimberly’s Guides to be answerable with “YES” or “NO.”
Kindly constrain your questions to the following topics: God Consciousness, The Holy Spirit,
Creation, Ascended Masters, Angels, Spirit Guides, Miracles, Near-Death Experiences, Indigos
& Starseeds, loved ones, how to heal yourself, Multi-Dimensional Worlds, protection tools
against Spiritual Warfare, surviving in a Three-Dimensional World, moving into a
Fifth-Dimensional World, DNA activation, environment, organic holistic living, healthy nutrition,
boosting your immune system, avoiding toxic exposure to mercury and plastics, healthy water,
serious diseases like cancer, how to expand our Consciousness, science, Advanced
Civilizations, and World Peace. The Guides love to answer questions about how to help you
awaken to your Ascended Masters, awaken your Life Gifts, and live in Higher Dimensional
When calling in or emailing, please DO NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION about your medical
situation. Kimberly will use her mediumship gifts to scan your body.
Each week, one lucky individual will be selected to come to the radio station in Sherman Oaks,
California, for a free, live, in-person Medical Intuitive Scan and Healing. If you would like to be
considered for this special healing opportunity, please email your name and contact information
prepared to appear on live video.
To call in live during the show, please dial 818-850-7784
Tuesdays nights, 7-8 p.m.
A healer like no other, Kimberly Meredith bridges the gap between God and science.
Please visit The Healing Trilogy’s website for more information about Kimberly Meredith’s